Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sell and Buy Adult Website and Content

Let me explain a bit about the concept. I love the way Flippa works and have bought and sold Websites there many times. However I also own several adult Website that I was interested in selling. Flippa does not allow such content to be sold on their Website. The only other option that I have found was to try and sell my adult Websites on forums. I do not like this concept at all. Let me rephrase my previous statement; the only other options are forums and EBay and EBay sucks ass for this kind of sale.

So I started to consider the creation of a Website dedicated to just what you have created. I have been coding my ass off for several weeks now and am nearly finished with the project. I expect to have this completed by Aug. 12th 2012.

Here is what my promotional offer will be. Signup now and get free listing and absolutely no success fees (for a limited time). I will keep this promotion going until the site start to see some real traffic. This is a benefit to both the user and the site owner (me). As the site begins to grow you will start to gain more exposure on your listings. I will most likely keep the promotion going for several months so you can list and sell as many items as you wish for free within this time frame.

The Website I have been talking about is FlipaPorn.com. Like I said signup today, I will then send out an Email to all registered users the second the Website is completed. So you will be able to list your adult Websites and other adult Website related items for sale for free. Remember I am not going to charge a dime to list or to sell (for a limited time).

So visit today and signup @ www.flipaporn.com

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