Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where to Sell My Adult Websites?

There comes a time in every Webmasters journey when you would like to sell your Website. I am at this stage, I would like to be able to fund a new project I have been considering for several years now and would like to make this a reality.

Let me start by telling that I am the owner of several adult content Websites. My cool when I started out was, of course, to make money. I believed it would be extremely simple to make money in the porn business. Holly crap was I wrong with this concept, it is a lot of work and there is a load of competition out there.

After several months of working to create my l back links and a little buzz on forums I actually started to see some traffic. I then monetized buy Website with some affiliated programs (mostly for men's erectile dysfunction herbal remedies) and began to see a little profit. So I repeated this process several more times and I started to see a real income.

I then come up with a new concept for an adult Website. Now I would like to see my concept come to life. So, I started to seek out a place that I could sell my Websites, I need the funds. I really like Flippa and I hate EBay, Flippa will not allow any adult Websites sales listed for their auctions. EBay sucks ass.

To this day I have not found a Website to do what I wanted. I wanted an auction type atmosphere for the sale of my Websites. I could have tried to talk to people on forums and hope for the best, but this seemed a bit futile, not to mention the fear I would never see any money for my Website and lose all that work I had put in to my Websites. There are a lot of crocked people out there.

This brings me to why I wanted to use an auction type atmosphere to sell my Websites like Flippa. This Website is a safe environment in which to conduct this type of business. Being the kind of person that I am I have had a hard time trusting in others (especially taking their word for it, total bullshit). I would like to be able to list an adult Website for sale, have it go to auction, get a great bid and then sell it. I then would receive my money and could then turn over my Website to the new owner.

I want what I want and that's all that I want.

Does this concept sound crazy?

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